Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Going for a test ride

I can't believe I'm posting two days in a row!

I just got home from a fun outing and had to write about it. I signed up for "demo day" with Ducati Toronto and headed out this morning to test ride the Ducati 696 Monster. I've been riding for about 6 years now and seem to be getting more and more into it. Thus far my rides have tended to be older bikes that Alex has modified and fixed up for me. I was considering buying a new bike at the end of the summer as a nice graduation present to myself. We went to the bike show a few months ago and I feel in love with the look of the new model Monster but wasn't sure if I'd like the riding position.

Buying a bike is a weird process where you stare at it, sit on it, perhaps hear it run and make your decision. You don't take it out on a test drive like you do with cars, which is a problem for me since I'm pretty particular in terms of seat height, handlebar position and foot peg position. Alex can usually do mods to rectify things I don't like but if I'm buying a brand new bike I want it to be exactly what I want. There is a lot of variation between bikes (and particularly between styles of bikes i.e., sport, cruiser, touring). Sitting on the bike helps to get a feel for it but it really needs to be in motion where you are using the gears and levers to see if it feels right. And seeing how the bike handles and responds is important. So when the opportunity came to sign up for a demo day, which would allow me to take the bike out on the road, I couldn't pass it up!

The riding course was through the Forks of the Credit just outside of Brampton. It was awesome! Alex goes riding with a group of his friends in this area but I've never been out there. It is IDEAL for motorcycles. Lots of ups and down on hills and curvy stretches of roads. There are some pretty crazy tight curves that give you the opportunity to practicing leaning through curves. And that area is so picturesque. I probably would have enjoyed the outing on any bike but it was particularly exciting and enjoyable on the 696 Monster! I was the only girl there and was with a group of seasoned riders (they were exchanging 'iron butt rally' stories!). These guys were testing out bigger bikes so I was put in the back of the pack but had no problem keeping up. This bike was awesome!

Heading out of the parking lot to start the ride (I'm the one with the pink helmet)

Coming back in (I won't even tell you what speed we were doing down this stretch of open road)

And here a shot of me as I parked the bike. I was very pleased!

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